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What Are Carbon Credits?

A carbon credit is a reduction or removal of emissions of carbon dioxide or other greenhouse gases made, including methane, in order to compensate for emissions made elsewhere. A carbon credit or offset credit is a transferrable financial instrument (derived from an underlying commodity) certified by governments or independent certification bodies to represent an emission reduction that can then be bought or sold.

Both credits and offsets are measured in tonnes of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e). One carbon offset or credit represents the reduction or removal of one ton of carbon dioxide or its equivalent in other greenhouse gases.


Reducing methane emissions is a cost-effective way to lower greenhouse gas emissions. The climate change impact of methane is significant -- 28 times greater than carbon dioxide over a 100-year period.

In Alberta, the oil and gas industry is the largest source of methane emissions. Approximately 75% of provincial methane emissions come from the upstream oil and gas sector.

Alberta has set a methane reduction target of 45% by 2025 and employs a combination of policy tools to achieve this target, including regulatory requirements, market-based programs, and investments in technology and innovation. [LINK TO REGULATIONS & PROTOCOLS]

Alberta is on track to meet its methane emissions reduction target by 2025 according to the 2021 Annual Information Report which shows that oil and gas methane emissions decreased by 44% between 2014 and 2021.

Proven & Reliable
  • Hands-off, trouble-free operations
  • Lowers operating costs
  • Reduces downtime
Certainty & Risk Mitigation
  • Improved economics
  • Financial and social benefits of voluntary compliance
  • Reduces liability
  • Increases company value
Reduces Emissions
  • Lowers greenhouse gas emission intensity
  • Demonstrates commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Improves economic, social and governance (ESG) matrix
Generates Revenue
  • No upfront capital expenditure required
  • Generates additional income stream from existing assets


Trido Energy Service provides integrated carbon credit offset management services to our clients, including carbon credit documentation, registration, auditing and certification as well as facilitating and managing any volume of carbon offset credit sales through application of our robust greenhouse gas quantification method that leads clients through the carbon offset credits development process in three stages.

Stage 1 – Data Management

Data Collection - Field technicians are deployed to collect empirical evidence, employing a standardized checklist to capture time-stamped photographic evidence of assets and corresponding meter readings that log the volumetric flow.

Data Entry- The documentation from the field technicians is compiled into compressed digital files and emailed to data administrators with explicit naming conventions. At this stage, the administrators review the visual data and record pertinent details in the data warehouse software.

Data Validation - The program coordinator carefully reviews the entered data, ensuring completion of the standardized checklist and the absence of omissions.

Data Quantification - The engineering team is responsible for extracting the data to execute the requisite computations and confirm the number of carbon credits accrued during the current reporting period.

Data Verification - Regulations mandate the intervention of an independent third-party auditor to validate the data collection and computational processes, verifying the accuracy of the estimated carbon credits.

Stage 2 - Carbon Credit Serialization

The auditor's findings are appended with the report from Trido and submitted to the regulatory authority. After this submission, the carbon credits are serialized, correlating with the assets' reporting period and geographical coordinates to prevent possible duplication of carbon credits.

Stage 3 - Carbon Credit Monetization

Introducing the authenticated carbon credits to the carbon trading marketplace and initiating a competitive bidding process. The culmination of this stage is the sale of the credits to the highest bidder, thus liquidating the carbon credits into financial assets.


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