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What Projects Qualify
for Carbon Credits?

Projects that can earn carbon credits reduce or remove greenhouse gas emissions. Recognized standards and registries review these projects. Here are some types of projects that can earn carbon credits.

Projects that qualify for carbon credits cover various sectors, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, forestry, methane capture, waste management, transportation, and agriculture. These projects must meet strict criteria and be reviewed by recognized standards to ensure they provide measurable and additional greenhouse gas reductions. This process helps uphold the integrity and effectiveness of carbon credits in addressing climate change.

Methane Reduction Projects

Instrument gas to instrument air system conversions: Instrument gas, typically natural gas, can be replaced with compressed air or nitrogen to power pneumatic devices. The compressed air or nitrogen can be supplied by electricity from the grid, on-site generated electricity (including renewables), or directly driven systems powered by fossil fuel combustion.

Pneumatic device electrification involves converting pneumatic controllers and pumps previously operated on natural gas to electric controllers and electrically powered pumps. This category also includes solar-powered electric conversions.

Vent gas capture: Projects that capture vented gas from pneumatic devices and either conserve it or destroy it are eligible.


  • Reduction in GHG emissions
  • Economic Incentives from offsets
  • Improvements in operational efficiency
  • Reduction in Fuel Consumption and operating costs
  • Improved public image

Methane Capture Projects

  • Landfill Gas: Capturing methane emissions from landfills and converting it to energy.
  • Agricultural Methane: Managing livestock manure to capture methane.
  • Coal Mine Methane: Capturing methane released from coal mining operations.


  • Prevents potent greenhouse gas methane from entering the atmosphere.
  • Converts methane to usable energy.
  • Reduces odor and improves air quality.

Renewable Energy Projects

  • Wind Power: Wind turbines are used to generate electricity.
  • Solar Power: Solar panels are used to generate electricity.
  • Hydropower: Building small-scale hydroelectric plants.
  • Biomass Energy: Using organic materials to make energy.


  • Reduces the use of fossil fuels.
  • Provides clean, renewable energy.
  • Lowers greenhouse gas emissions from energy production.

Agricultural Projects

  • Soil Management: Improving soil practices to store carbon.
  • Rice Paddy Management: Reducing methane emissions from rice cultivation.
  • Sustainable Agriculture: Using practices that reduce greenhouse gas emissions.


  • Increases soil carbon storage.
  • Reduces agricultural emissions.
  • Supports sustainable farming practices.

Energy Efficiency Projects

  • Building Retrofits: Upgrading insulation, windows, and heating systems to use less energy.
  • Industrial Efficiency: Improving energy use in manufacturing processes.
  • Lighting Upgrades: Replacing incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient lighting.


  • Uses less energy.
  • Decreases greenhouse gas emissions from energy use.
  • Lowers operating costs.

Forestry and Land Use Projects

  • Reforestation: Planting trees on deforested land.
  • Afforestation: Planting trees on land that has never been forested.
  • Forest Management: Improving Forest practices to increase carbon storage.
  • Avoided Deforestation: Preventing deforestation activities.


  • Stores carbon dioxide through tree growth.
  • Protects biodiversity and ecosystems.
  • Provides additional environmental benefits.

Waste Management Projects

  • Composting: Turning organic waste into compost to reduce methane emissions.
  • Recycling: Improving recycling processes to reduce waste and associated emissions.
  • Waste-to-Energy: Converting waste materials into energy.


  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions from waste decomposition.
  • Conserves natural resources.
  • Produces energy from waste.

Transportation Projects

  • Electric Vehicles: Promoting the use of electric cars and buses.
  • Public Transit: Improving public transportation infrastructure.
  • Fuel Switching: Switching to cleaner fuels in transportation.


  • Reduces emissions from fossil fuel combustion.
  • Promotes sustainable transportation.
  • Decreases air pollution.

Standards and Registries

  • Alberta Carbon Registry: Focuses on projects in Alberta Canada.
  • Verified Carbon Standard (VCS): One of the most widely used standards globally.
  • Gold Standard: Ensures high environmental and social benefits.
  • Climate Action Reserve (CAR): Focuses on North American projects.
  • American Carbon Registry (ACR): Provides standards and methodologies for various project types.